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Viewing 1-10 of 38 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.


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Alpine County Cal Fresh

Cal Fresh is the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP).

75 Diamond Valley Road

Markleeville, CA 96120

530 - 694-2235

Alpine County Food Closet

The food closet provides food to any Alpine County resident who meet income eligibility requirements.

75 Diamond Valley Road

Markleeville, CA 96120

530 - 694-2235

Alpine County Senior Nutrition Program

Home delivered meals Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, weather permitting.

75 Diamond Valley Road

Markleeville, CA 96120

530 - 694-2235

Alpine County Social Services

Alpine County Social Services offers the following services: Adoption Services Medi-Cal Cal Fresh Child Protective Services Child Support Services Health Families Program Paternity Opportunity Program There is also a broadband benefit for Medi-Cal beneficiaries.

75-A Diamond Valley Rd.

Markleeville, CA 96120

530 - 694-2235

Amador County Cal Fresh

If you are having a difficult time stretching your monthly income in meeting your nutritional needs you may qualify for the Cal Fresh Program.

10877 Conductor Blvd. Ste. 200

Sutter Creek, CA 95685

209 - 223-6550

Amador Senior Center

Amador County Senior Center offers the following services: Congregate Meals may be provided to persons who meet eligibility requirements, including: 1) age 60+; 2) spouse of age 60+ participant, regardless of spouse's age; 3) disabled, regardless of age, who reside in senior housing at which a nutrition site is located; and (4) disabled, regardless of age, who reside with a senior meal participant and accompany the senior to the site.

229 New York Ranch Rd.

Jackson, CA 95642

209 - 223-0442

ATCAA Food Bank - Tuolumne County

Emergency and monthly asistance, weekly Food for Kids and seasonal 60+ Farmer's Markets.

10059 Victoria Way

Jamestown, CA 95327

209 - 984-3960

Blue Mountain Coalition for Youth and Families

We support our community through a holistic approach to health and healthy families, integrating good nutrition, education, fun and positive opportunities into the daily life of our center.

364 Main Street

West Point, CA 95255

Calaveras County CalFresh

Provides food assistance to low income families and individuals.

509 E. St. Charles St.

San Andreas, CA 95249

209 - 754-6452

Calaveras Senior Center

Calaveras County Senior Center offers a variety of services for seniors.

956 Mountain Ranch Road

San Andreas, CA 95249

209 - 754-3967

Viewing 1-10 of 38 results (listed by best match)
